A Gold Star Membership in the Tarrant and Parker County Continuum of Care is a designation unique to Agencies, Municipalities, and School Districts providing Homeless Services in our community.  Membership in the Continuum of Care certifies that an organization complies with the following goals:

  • Promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness;
  • Provide funding for efforts to quickly re-house individuals and families who are homeless, which minimizes the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness;
  • Promote access to and effective use of mainstream programs;
  • Optimize self-sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

Partnership Home is designated to carry out the activities of the CoC, including fiscal and compliance activities. As such, they administer and manage CoC Membership in accordance with the guidelines established and approved by the Governance Committee of the TX-601 Fort Worth/Arlington/Tarrant County CoC.

To apply for CoC Membership: Submit your Agency Information using the Form below.

Questions about CoC Membership – contact our team

Nonprofits, Municipalities, and School District Level Benefits Include:

  • Logo, link, and description on Homeless Coalition website.
  • Priority registration for trainings.
  • Discounted rates for trainings.
  • Volunteer Recruitment.
  • Agency event/fundraising promotion.
  • Job postings on Partnership Home website.
  • Training for agency Board of Directors.
  • Access to in-kind drives.
  • Credentials for your website.

If you are not a provider of Homeless Services and would like to formally and publicly support overarching efforts to end homelessness – Join us as a member!

Annual Membership Dues

Dues for agencies, municipalities, and school districts are based on an agency’s homeless services budget. With a membership structure, in addition to paying an annual membership fee, agencies and municipalities may also have an annual HMIS fee. If agencies are required to pay for HMIS fees, it will be a flat fee based on the number of programs active in HMIS. (See HMIS page for details.) The total bill for the year would include membership dues and (if applicable) HMIS fees.

Annual Nonprofit/Municipalities/School District Membership Dues:

  • $250 for a budget of $249,999 or less.
  • $500 for a budget of $250,000-$499,999.
  • $750 for a budget of $500,000-$999,999.
  • $1,000 for a budget of $1,000,000-2,999,999.
  • $1500 for a budget of $3,000,000-$4,999,999.
  • $2,000 for a budget of $5,000,000 or over.