Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance is designed to provide resources, tools, and support for CoC member organizations.

Frequently Asked Questions
What does TA include?
Technical Assistance resources include:
- Information and “how-to guides” through online resources, guidebooks, FAQs, and other information
- Training and knowledge-building through online courses and webinars
- Responses to basic program, policy and system questions
- In-depth, program assistance to improves the design and delivery of programs and services
What is In-Depth Program Assistance?
In-depth program assistance involves coordination with TCHC staff over a period of weeks or months. It may be one-on-one assistance or assistance delivered to a cohort.
How Long Does the Process Take?
Once you submit a request for technical assistance, a determination typically takes 1-2 weeks, depending on the complexity and breadth of the request.
Who is Eligible to Receive Technical Assistance?
All CoC member organizations

Submit Application
Steps for Requesting and Receiving Technical Assistance
- Complete the online application form. This is a simple form with agency contact information for the requesting agency and a description of technical assistance needs.
- Receive a confirmation email that the request was submitted.
- TCHC staff will review the application request.
- Receive an email specifying whether your request is approved or not approved. If the request is not approved TCHC will provide an explanation. Important to note: Approving and not approving is a timing and capacity issue. We may be unable to approve your request at this time but will revisit your request at a later date.
- If approved, TCHC staff will contact the agency to let them know TA has been approved and set up an initial meeting to discuss the area of concern (goals and outcomes), with the point of contact and other program leadership and, go over the next steps
Principles of Agreement
By submitting this request form, the entity must agree to:
- work with TCHC and its designated technical assistance (TA) representative to establish a training and TA work
- allow TCHC’s designated TA representative access to current policies and procedures for the requested TA in order to review
- allow TCHC’s designated TA representative to conduct site visits to assess TA and training needs and evaluate
- schedule a time for TCHC’s designated TA representative to speak with the point of contact and program leadership about TA outcomes and how to sustain efforts in the future