Data Repair Workshop

Data Repair workshops are offered to help agencies and users correct data errors, which ensures accurate reporting for your program and for the continuum. These workshops are “come and go” but make sure to reserve your spot.

ETO New User

This training is for anyone who is entering data into our system. New users must attend before they can begin using ETO and all users must attend a yearly refresher training. Have new staff starting soon? Feel free to sign them up for a training when they start.


Learn the application process for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and the Employment Program for Self-Sufficiency. The training covers the history of welfare, eligibility points/documentation, Choices Employment Program for TANF recipients, benefits participants are eligible to receive, and assistance available after gaining employment.

Partner Portal Training

The TCAEI Partner Portal creates collaboration across the social services, education, and employment community, speaking a common language, utilizing common tools, and maximizing scarce resources. The Partner Portal provides access to a myriad of websites in one place and links to a multitude of resources to meet participant needs.

Boot Camp

This training is incredibly valuable to anyone new to homeless services. During Boot Camp, attendees will be introduced to what the Continuum of Care is, how it functions, important systems we work with, best practices in case management, other useful services available to clients, and much more. Boot Camp concludes with a walking tour of services in the Lancaster area, so please wear closed-toe shoes when attending!

Data Repair Workshop

Data Repair workshops are offered to help agencies and users correct data errors, which ensures accurate reporting for your program and for the continuum. These workshops are “come and go” but make sure to reserve your spot.

ETO New User

This training is for anyone who is entering data into our system. New users must attend before they can begin using ETO and all users must attend a yearly refresher training. Have new staff starting soon? Feel free to sign them up for a training when they start.

Documentation Training

TCHC is offering Documentation Training to everyone in the continuum.  This training will cover HUD requirements and all other necessary steps in getting your client’s documentation ready!

Dating & Acquaintance Violence

Being in a dating violence relationship places teens at a higher risk for substance abuse, eating disorders, risky sexual behavior, and for being in future abusive relationships.  This training educates professionals on the signs and dynamics of dating violence, ways to spot and engage teens, and how to respond to a survivor.

Contact Sarah Glenn to register.

Eviction and Prevention Planning

Evictions are costly and can have negative consequences not only for the individual who is responsible for violating lease conditions or program rules, but also for other household members. Join us as we discuss why people are evicted, preventing evictions, common tenant problems, care plans and discharge planning.

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